
During the TRE-FX and TELEPORT pilot projects supported by DARE UK, proof of concept solutions to support federated analytics were developed. This work demonstrated how to streamline the use of analysis tools across multiple TREs while ensuring that the access is safe. The Federated Analytics Programme will build on this work to ensure that all HDR UK Research Driver Programmes, and the wider scientific community, have access to advanced federated analytics services. Detailed descriptions of the TRE-FX and TELEPORT projects (and other DARE UK outputs) are available from the Zenodo DARE UK community pages.

The Federated Analytics programme is working hand in hand with ELIXIR UK and is adopting many ELIXIR technologies, most notably RO-Crate and building on the work of the Five Safes RO Crate and infrastructure for computational workflows, such as WorkflowHub. The intention is to re-use existing standards, especially those from GA4GH, into the solutions we develop. All our developments will be in the open and with permissive open source licences, for example HUTCH. Our technology decisions will be taken to support the HDR UK Driver programmes, and in the first instance the Inflammation and Immunity driver and our other partner programmes including BY-COVID and EOSC-ENTRUST.


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