Introducing PANTHER
The PANTHER (PANdemic Tracking of Healthcare woRkers) study aims to deepen the understanding of susceptibility to, immunity from and transmission of Sars-Cov2 (the virus that causes Covid-19) in an at risk population.
It is hosted at University of Nottingham, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and supported by the Nottingham BRC. It aims to deepen the understanding of susceptibility to, immunity from and transmission of Sars-Cov2 (the virus that causes Covid-19) in an at risk population.
The PANTHER study measures chemical substances in blood (such as cytokines) that indicate inflammation, and other molecules that fight infection. Additionally, it will study genes to understand if these contribute to the risk of becoming become sick.
The PANTHER Study is supported by around 600 volunteers from both hospitals in Nottingham who have been participating in weekly blood draws since the peak of the pandemic and have at the heart of the study a unique resource of rich biological, genetic and other information kindly provided by our cohort of volunteer front line healthcare workers. The study samples are stored in the Nottingham Tissue Bank under a research licence, which is a Human Tissue Authority regulated tissue bank.