Is CO-CONNECT linking data between Data Partners?

No. All pseudo-anonymisation and data linkage is undertaken by the Data Partner. CO-CONNECT is working with the Data Partners to bring in standard mechanisms for how Data Partners create a pseudo-anonymised identifier to make it possible to link data together in a Trusted Research Environment. This work is an active … Read More

Is CO-CONNECT building a Trusted Research Environment?

No. The UK has existing TREs. The CO-CONNECT team believe that TREs should be used at any time the individual data is being brought together for analysis. CO-CONNECT support the principles behind the recent Goldacre review. 

What is pseudonymised data?

Pseudonymisation is a process of removing directly identifiable data from a dataset (such as a name, NHS number) and replacing that with a code. A dataset that has been pseudonymised presents less risk as the ability to identify an individual has been reduced, although not removed. This is common practice … Read More

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