CO-CONNECT takes on the IPDLN Conference

posted in: News and Events

CO-CONNECT takes on the IPDLN Conference

By Gabriella Linning

Last week, several members of the CO-CONNECT team attended and presented at the 2022 International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN) Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Four of our team members – Antony Chuter, Emily Jefferson, Esmond Urwin, Gordon Milligan and Jillian Beggs – spoke at the event, giving engaging and thought provoking presentations about their work on CO-CONNECT. Continue reading to find out more.

Who spoke?

About what?

Emily Jefferson, CO-CONNECT Principal Investigator
The COVID - Curated and Open aNalysis aND rEsearCh plaTform (CO-CONNECT)

In this presentation, Emily Jefferson, one of CO-CONNECT’s Principal Investigators, introduced both the CO-CONNECT project and the Health Data Research Innovation Gateway’s Cohort Discovery Search Tool to her colleagues at the IPDLN conference.

Here, Emily gave attendees an overview of the work done by the project as well as the capabilities of the Cohort Discovery Search Tool, providing insight as to how this data infrastructure will promote future COVID-19 research by making UK COVID-19 data FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Esmond Urwin, CO-CONNECT Team member
Augmenting laboratory COVID serology granularity for SARS-CoV-2 reporting

Here, CO-CONNECT team member Esmond Urwin made the argument for why more detailed quantitative (number-based) data should be recorded when serological samples are tested in laboratories.

Esmond highlighted that qualitative (description-based) data alone does not provide detailed enough data for researchers to understand how prevalent the SARS-CoV-2 virus is among the UK population.

Therefore, Esmond suggested that there be a minimum dataset – a universal example that outlines what should be recorded and how – is required to support standardised data reporting.

Gordon Milligan, Technical Programme Manager
Developing a new Governance Approval Process to support federated discovery and meta-analysis of data across the UK through the CO-CONNECT project

Gordon gave a presentation discussing the different governance approaches to get approval for federated data projects (such as CO-CONNECT) for both consented and unconsented data. According to Gordon, his presentation was well received with many follow-up questions being asked.

Collaborating with patient and public members in developing the COVID - Curated and open analysis and research platform (CO-CONNECT)

With our Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Coordinator Tracy Jackson on leave, CO-CONNECT’s joint PPI Leads Jillian Beggs and Antony Chuter filled in to tell the attendees of the IPDLN conference about their experience working with the project.

Here, the two leads spoke about how the team were able to create an innovative approach to ensuring public voices are heard and acted upon within data linkage networks. To our knowledge, CO-CONNECT was the only project to have PPI voices heard during the course of the three day conference.